South Carolina Alcoholics Anonymous

SC State Convention

79th Annual State Convention
"Welcome Home, Glad You Are Here!"

March 20-22, 2026
Florence Civic Center
3300 W. Radio Drive Florence, SC 29501

Hotel Information:

Comfort Inn & Suites
527 Woody Jones Blvd
Florence, SC
(843) 702-3300
Room Rate: $99 (plus tax)
Online reservations will be available soon, as will a hotel registration code.

We also have an overflow hotel

Fairfield Inn & Suites
501 Woody Jones Blvd
Florence, SC
(843) 665-4488
Room Rate: $104 (plus tax)
Online reservations will be available soon, as will a hotel registration code.

2017 Convention Schedule

Thursday, March 23, 2017

5pm - 8pm
9:30pm - 11pm
8pm - 9:30pm Speaker Meeting Kevin B. from No. Columbia Group, Cola, SC

Friday, March 24, 2017

8am - All day
Closed during mtgs
10am Entertainment Zoo & botanical gardens
2pm - 3pm Workshop Meditation
3:30pm - 4:30pm Workshop Big Book Bingo!
7pm - 8:30pm Speaker Meeting Stacy S. from San Antonio, Tx
9pm Entertainment Entertainment

NOTE: To participate or attend Friday night's entertainment, folks will need to register for the entire convention

Saturday, March 25, 2017

8am - All day
Closed during mtgs
8am Morning Yoga & Meditation
10am Entertainment Golf Tournament
10:30am - 12pm Speaker Meeting Rick J. from Ontario
1:30pm - 2:30pm Workshop Young People in AA
3pm - 4pm Workshop 12 Concepts - with Juha and Jimmy S.
7pm - 8pm 7pm - 8pm Lyle P. from Atlanta
10pm Dance Partay/ rAAve DJ Scott P.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

8am - 10am Registration
8am Morning Yoga & Meditation Beth
10am - 11:30am Speaker Meeting Mari G. from Toronto

**Discussion meetings in the hospitality suite will be taking place when there are no other events happening for the convention. There will be a separate schedule/topic/sign-up sheet available closer to the convention dates.

Why Have an AA Convention?

It�s clear that A.A. get-togethers beyond the group have become an established part of A.A. life. The calendar in any Box 4-5-9 or in the Grapevine shows how many conventions, conferences, and banquets are being held by A.A.s throughout the world.

What makes an A.A. convention click for its participants? It�s probably not style or form that matters so much as the spirit and feeling behind it. As one member puts it, the best A.A. convention is �just a darned good A.A. meeting blown up big.� Just watch enthusiastic members at any A.A. convention and you�ll get what he means.

The atmosphere alone is worth the trip. Here you�ll find fellowship, laughter, warmth, and understanding��heaped up, pressed down, and running over.�

Excerpted from "A.A. Guidelines /Conferences, Conventions and Roundups"