South Carolina Alcoholics Anonymous
District 20
Serving SC counties of Cherokee, Laurens, Spartanburg & Union and Columbus NC
(Upstate of South Carolina and Columbus North Carolina)
(Upstate of South Carolina and Columbus North Carolina)
Link to the Upstate Intergroup
News and Information
Next District Meeting
When:Sunday, February 23rd
02:00 PM -
Central-St. John location ( hosted by A vision for you group
Accessibility Information by Group
- Central St. John
- Barrier-Free Entrance , Barrier-Free Parking , Large Print Literature , Audio Literature
- Clinton
- Barrier-Free Entrance , Barrier-Free Parking , Barrier-Free Restroom
- Foothills
- Barrier-Free Entrance , Barrier-Free Parking , Barrier-Free Restroom
- Laurens
- Barrier-Free Entrance , Barrier-Free Parking , Large Print Literature
- No Name
- Barrier-Free Entrance , Barrier-Free Parking , Barrier-Free Restroom
- Primary Purpose
- Barrier-Free Entrance , Barrier-Free Parking , Barrier-Free Restroom