South Carolina - Area 62

Monday through Friday daytime (M/W/F 12:00 PM, T/TH 12:15 PM) meetings split for newcomers as needed. Sunday PM meeting is split by gender if desired. 3rd Saturday: 10:15 AM Business Meeting. 4th Monday: Anniversary Meeting with 7:00 PM Supper and 7:45 PM Open Speaker Meeting.
We have a "Coins for Cons" can that we offer to A.A. members to receive contributions for the purpose of purchasing literature for the meetings carried into local jails. All District 11 groups are welcome to contribute.
The toll-free service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (877-544-8426) Callers may leave a message and have their call returned.
Barrier Free Parking, Barrier Free Entrance, Barrier Free Restroom, Braille Bigbook, Large Print Bigbook, Large Print 12x12, Other Large Print Materials, Audio Bigbook, Audio 12x12, Other Audio Materials, Spanish/Other Bigbook, Spanish/Other 12x12, Spanish/Other Daily Reflections