South Carolina Alcoholics Anonymous

Easley Survivors

Eagle Eye Farm
102 Old Saluda Dam Road
Easley, SC 29640

Call (877) 544-8426 for information.

Meetings meeting legend

  • Tuesday7:00 pmO, 12, LIT, NS, WC
  • Thursday7:00 pmO, D, NS, WC
  • Saturday12:00 noonO, D, NS, WC

Group News

The toll-free service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (877-544-8426) Callers may leave a message and have their call returned.

There are two entrances: one is a cement driveway just past a bridge, about one mile from Saluda Dam when coming from Greenville; the other is a gravel driveway about half of a mile from Crosswell elementary when coming from Easley. Look for the signs attached to sawhorses at each entrance.

Last Thursday 7:00 pm Open/ Birthday/ Speaker meeting.

  Click here for a map
GPS Lat/Lon:
DEC: 34.850967 / -82.520699
DMS: 34° 51' 3" / -82° 31' 15"
DDD: 34 51.058 / -82 31.241