- O = Open (Anyone welcome)
- C = Closed (For those with a desire to stop drinking)
- D = Discussion Topic
- BB = Big Book Study
- SS = Step Study
- TR = Traditions Study
- 12 = Twelve & Twelve Study
- NC = Newcomers (Beginners)
- AB = As Bill Sees It
- GR = Grapevine
- LIT = Literature
- SP = Speaker
- W = Women's
- M = Men's
- GL = Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender
- Y = Young People's
- CL = Candlelight Meeting
- NS = Non-Smoking
- CC = Childcare Available
- WC = Wheelchair Accessible
- Sunday9:00 amO, D, NS, 11th Step - IN PERSON
- 5:30 pmC, D, NS
- Monday5:30 pmC, D, NC, NS, Split off - Beginners/Newcomer
- Tuesday5:30 pmC, D, BB, NS, Split off - Big Book
- Wednesday12:00 noonC, D, W, NS
- 5:30 pmC, D, NS, Split off - Living Sober
- Thursday5:30 pmC, D, 12, Split off-12 and 12
- Friday12:00 noonC, SS, W, NS
- 5:30 pmC, D, NC, NS, Split off - BeginnersNewcomer
- Saturday5:30 pmO, SP, NS
- 10:30 pmO, D, NS
Group News
We will be holding in person meetings for 5:30 PM, Sunday 9:00 am 11th Step and Women's Noon meetings
Please keep the following in mind as voted by our Group Conscience -- members may decide whether or not to attend in-person meetings and that decision comes with the following responsibilities for our common welfare:
*Please do not come to an in person meeting if you are sick
*Face masks are OPTIONAL for in person meetings
*Hand sanitizer and Face Masks provided
Saturday, 5:30 PM meetings are OPEN - last Saturday is a Speaker/Birthday meeting -- meal and fellowship after @ 7:00 PM
Meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible. Bathrooms are not.
Click here for a map
GPS Lat/Lon:
DEC: 34.799881 / -82.316269
DMS: 34° 47' 60" / -82° 18' 59"
DDD: 34 47.992 / -82 18.976
Accessibility Info:
Barrier Free Parking, Barrier Free Entrance