South Carolina - Area 62

You might have patients, clients, employees, students, or members of your congregation who may have a drinking problem. We understand that you want to gather information about AA before you refer that person to an AA meeting for help.
You may be part of an organization or group that comes in contact regularly with those suffering from alcoholism.
Alcoholics Anonymous has many AA members and service committees who are available to provide professionals with information about Alcoholics Anonymous: what we do, what we don't do, how to find an AA meeting...
If you have questions regarding Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) in South Carolina, you can .
To request a presentation or exhibit at your association or group meeting, you can who would be happy to assist you. Some examples are listed below:
There is no charge for any of these services; as part of our tradition of being self-supporting, AA does not accept outside contributions. AA members volunteer for these activities because service to others aids our recovery from alcoholism.
You could also contact our General Service Office in New York at
Alcoholics Anonymous
PO Box 459, Grand Central Station
New York, New York 10163
We would be happy to hear from you!
Check back for updated information on what we are doing to help reach the still-suffering alcoholic.
Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous' program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
To search all AA meetings (open or closed) or to search for specific types of meetings, (click here)